We would like to express our heartfelt thanks to all of the donors who have supported the museum’s work in the past years with their patronage.

The list of private and charitable donors who have supported Museum Wiesbaden in the past 10 years is gratefully long. We would like to thank each and every one of them expressly, here, in alphabetical order. We are pleased to say that the list continues to grow! 

Eva Hesse Estate

Lions Club Wiesbaden

Lions Club Wiesbaden Mattiacum

Frank Brabant
Dr. Gerd Eckelmann
Dr. Herbert Hirschler
Dr. Annette und Prof. Dr. Friedrich-Eckart Isemer
Karin Kretschmar
Christoph Kunsmann
Karin Müller
Edgar Päßler
Felicitas Reusch
Ellen und Alexander Richter
Prof. Dr. Tom Sommerlatte
Dr. Ferdinand Wiebecke
Christopher Thomas


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