The Nassau Society for Natural History was founded in 1829 by citizens of Wiesbaden. Its mission was to make the natural history accessible and understandable to everyone, among other things, by establishing a museum. Their aim to provoke interest in the natural world has remained the society’s focus to this day and, as before, it continues to maintain the natural history collections of Museum Wiesbaden. The society has always been a forum for natural history enthusiasts, promoting discussion, inquiry and understanding of the various disciplines of the natural history from botany, zoology, geology, mineralogy to paleontology. Professional natural historians, both members and guests, share their expertise on the reciprocal relationships between landscape, nature and human beings in a variety of activities and events, paying particular attention to the examination of the Rhine-Main region. 

Advantages of Membership

1. Public lectures on current topics in the natural history
2. Excursions guided by expert scientists

3. Free admission to Museum Wiesbaden
4. Use of the natural history collections library
5. Tours of the natural history collections
6. Society yearbook and newsletter

Nassau Society for Natural History
Rheinstr. 10
65185 Wiesbaden

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