26 Sep 25 — 8 Feb 26
Ilse Leda photographed by Hugo Erfurth, on the occasionof her marriage in 1932 with Friedrich Vordemberge-Gildewart, Museum Wiesbaden
The Jewish dancer and choreographer Ilse Leda and the constructivist artist Friedrich Vordemberge-Gildewart met around 1925 in the Dadaist milieu of Hanover, centered around Joachim Ringelnatz and Kurt Schwitters. Her career was cut short by the rise of National Socialism in 1937, but Vordemberge-Gildewart was able to continue his work in exile in the Netherlands. Leda's influence on his works from this tragic point in their relationship onwards was greater than previously thought. This is the subject of the cabinet exhibition, which tells the story of a great love between two intimately connected artistic minds.