5 Sep 25 — 12 Apr 26
Lyonel Feininger, Caravels, 1933, Private Collection Wiesbaden, © VG Bild-Kunst, Bonn 2024, Photo: Ketterer Kunst
The collection boasts works by renowned artists such as Erich Heckel, Alexej von Jawlensky, Ida Kerkovius, and Max Pechstein, representing pivotal figures of German Expressionism within the artist groups “Der Blaue Reiter” and "Brücke". Rarely exhibited artists including Erma Bossi, Elisabeth Epstein, and Ilona Singer, as well as significant sculptures by Ernst Barlach, Gerhard Marcks, Marg Moll, and Milly Steger, complement this exceptional assemblage of artworks. The exhibition offers insight into the rich history of Museum Wiesbaden's departement for “Classic Modernism”, cultivated over a century through significant contributions and endowments. Finally, it illuminates the museum's work and shares the stories behind these
remarkable additions to its collections.