
Painting in Germany Today

20 Sep 19 — 19 Jan 20

Workshopsituation, Photo: Lea Schäfer and Haydar Koyupinar

Like no other artistic medium, painting generates both positive and negative reverberations. The Kunstmuseum Bonn, Museum Wiesbaden and the Kunstsammlungen Chemnitz – Museum Gunzenhauser have joined forces to bring you Now! Painting in Germany Today. This exploratory project endeavors to determine the current status of painting. The aim is to present an accurate cross-section of painting being created in Germany right now: Painting, that is, as it is currently developed in the classical sense as a panel painting or simply as a picture on the wall. Extensive research by the project partners’ own curators in addition to the expertise of established painters, colleagues, art academies and art critics, has all contributed to the making of the exhibition.

A selection of works will be on view from 14 February 2020 at Deichtorhallen Hamburg.

The exhibition will be accompanied by a comprehensive publication published by Hirmer Verlag, which will include introductory essays by Stephan Berg, Alexander Klar, Anja Richter, Lea Schäfer and Christoph Schreier as well as short texts on the participating artists and a selection of the works on display.


Hier finden Sie das Begleitprogramm zur Ausstellung, sobald es im Veranstaltungskalender veröffentlich wurde.

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500 works 53 artists 4 cities
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